So two nights ago, I was watching this episode of Voyager where the doctor creates this holosuite program that portrays the crew in an unflattering manner. They are all offended, and at first he doesn't see their point of view, but he finally comes around. He has already transmitted it to his publisher on earth, but he asks the guy to wait while he makes some changes. Then, they discover that the guy is already distributing the program! Janeway angrily calls his to find out why, and he basically says, "This hologram doesn't have any rights, so as an official human, I am taking possession of his program!"
At this point I turned the TV off, because I was so sad. Why shouldn't the doctor have rights to his program, just because he happened to be a program as well? I also wondered why Janeway didn't just claim that she was his co-writer, which would give her the rights to the program. (Maybe she did; I wouldn't know since I turned it off.) Obama and McCain are all tied up in these temporary dilemmas like health care and education, but they really need to be forward thinking and focus on the issues of the future! Who would give copyrights to holograms? That candidate will get my vote.
In other news, I have probably told most of you the tragic story of when I went to Sonic for lunch and forgot my book, so I just stared sadly into space for twenty minutes, wondering what I could possibly do. Well, it almost happened again! Fortunately, I was still at work when I realized that I had left my book at home. (I know what you're thinking: "You were at a library, couldn't you just get another book? The answer is no, I could not, because I was in the middle of my book*, and it was very exciting, and I did not want to read anything else until it was complete.) I checked, and we did not have another copy of the book. So, I was (metaphorically) weeping in agony, trying to decide whether I should take a lunch break at all, when a miracle happened! I went over to the book drop, which appeared to be empty, but it was not. There was one book in it. My book! I began to cheer with glee, ignoring stares from passersby. So I am happy to tell you that I was able to eat lunch yesterday, and also that I got to finish my book! The End.
*The book, by the way, was Life As We Knew It, by Susan Beth Pfeffer. I recommend this book for the following person(s):
1. Karli Dale
It's one of those that hooks you right near the beginning, and you can't put it down until you know how the story ends. Murray Hill has a copy that's not checked out. Go get it!
I saw that same episode, but I went to bed before it ended, because I haven't been sleeping well lately. And also, I have read that book, and in fact it was in my second most recent stack of checkouts, and I vowed never to read it again because I wanted to smack the heroine across the face more than once.
Speaking of recommendations, I recommended "Dairy Queen" by Catherine Gilbert Murdock to Mom. I recommend it to you too.
((I removed the above because of a typo.))
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