*Warning* Do NOT read this post while enjoying a cool, refreshing glass of water.
Just in case I haven't mentioned it, my storytimes have moved! They used to be on Wednesday mornings; now they are Monday and Thursday mornings. So anyway, on storytime days I pretty much have a set routine. I set up the storytime room, then I go over all the songs and rhymes one last time, then I go to storytime! Baby storytime is at 10:30, and is usually over by 10:50. In the ten minutes before Toddler Time starts, I get a drink of water, pull out any extra supplies I need, then head back in and start getting everyone settled.
Well, yesterday, this routine went horribly, horribly wrong. Before storytime, I was filling up my water pitcher so I would have a cool drink waiting for me. All was going well as I watched the crystal liquid fill the pitcher. Suddenly, a brown cloud began to billow through the clear water. I watched in horror as my beverage turned brown. I probably don't need to tell you what it looked like. Let's take the less revolting route and say that it looked like someone threw a dirt clod in my water.
This isn't the first time our water has been polluted, but it was definitely the worst so far. We called the city, and they promised to flush out the hydrant, which would supposedly fix the problem. Of course, until they got around to this, we would have brown water to contend with.
I never realized how desperately you desire water when it's unavailable. Fortunately, I found a couple of year-old bottles of water to keep me going until the city came through. I suddenly realized that I could hold it for as long as necessary when I saw the brown pool in the toilet. Kelly finally decided to brave the bathroom, and I reminded her, "Don't forget to not wash your hands!" She decided to ignore me. Fortunately, she survived.
After a few hours, we finally had clean water again! I am proud to say that I survived the Great Water Shortage of 2009. I guess you don't know what you got til it's gone. And I don't even want to ask what was in the water!
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