
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First, Let Me Tell You My Version

So on the message board I frequent, there has been a recent discussion on versions of the Bible. Specifically, whether certain versions are less accurate due to faulty sourcing or unscrupulous translators. I've found it interesting, as I've never really given much thought to the matter. I still have my Student Life Application Bible (New Living Translation) that I got when I was, what, 11 or 12? To me, that is "The Bible", and it actually feels kind of strange studying with another Bible. Even my little metal Bible that I take to church is NLT.

I thought it was interesting that many people said they enjoyed the NLT for casual reading, as it is written in more common language and therefore easier to understand, but they use the NASB or ESV for serious study as they impart more meaning. And then there's the whole wing of KJV and NKJV only, but while I think the KJV is linguistically beautiful, I find its archaic language to be more of a hindrance than a help for study or casual reading.

I found this Translation Comparison Chart useful, as I've never compared versions head to head. I have never really considered the word-to-word versus thought-for-thought aspect of Bible translations, but upon further thought I suppose it does make a difference, and you might look to opposite ends of the spectrum depending on your purpose for reading. So, tell me your thoughts. What translations do you prefer, and why? Do you like a different version for casual reading than study?


MinervaMax said...

I personally find "word-for-word" generally more limiting. It's also linguistically difficult. Recently at work, our supervisor asked our Spanish-speaking reps to give her a word-for-word Spanish translation for one of her favorite phrases: Pull a member (go to the lobby and get the waiting customer). They both began to laugh and told her there was no literal Spanish translation for "member" and the closest word actually related to male genitalia. I would not expect that it would necessarily be any easier with more archaic languages. But for those who find comfort in that, have at it. You see where I'm going here. I like thought for thought because to me the whole point is, "What are you (You) trying to say?" I do like different versions, though. Almost all of the Scriptures I've actually memorized are KJV from back in the day. When studying, I use the Everyday Life Amplified. When reading, nothing beats my Narrated Chronological (NIV). I also like the Message. To me, the bottom line is we need to stop debating and READ!

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